Madrid Reunion 2001
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The day we were all waiting for...!

Us.....well, most of us. We missed all of you absentees!
Top row:
Andy Malison, Patrick Gandarias, Jim Sickles, Peter Ottke, Erin Abraham(Corcoran), Alex Quesada, James Baker, Edith Covo (below Jim Baker), Jean Gloriod (between Erin and Edith)
Bottom row:
Lloret Moussa, Janice Thaxton, Sassan Ghahramani, Nita Bikkal, Ana Serrats, Carmen Negreira, Azita Ghahramani
Hey stop fooling around in the hallways! Get to class people!
Some people just never matter how old they get!
Jean, Erin and Janice...hey they made it!
Sassan keeps an eye out on Alice while she drinks! Ay Shazzam!
Now people, weren't we gonna dance?
Azita indicates that the drinks are on someone else...!!!
Ah...Madrid Nightlife..!
Janice did it!
Oh, I'm so sorry....Here's the "quitamanchas"!

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